Friday, September 12, 2014

IRB introduction- Hiroshima

Everybody can connect the atomic bombs with Hiroshima and Nagasaki; however, not all of them really understand the impact these bombs had on the lives of people, of specific individuals- of mothers, daughters, brothers, and friends-of Hiroshima. To inform the public of the true stories of atomic bomb survivors, John Hersey spent years on interviewing and researching atomic-bomb survivors, and composed his non-fiction book called Hiroshima. The book mainly tells the story of four survivors from Hiroshima with different backgrounds: one being a German priest, another a Japanese doctor, another a book-shelf keeper, and another a community leader. Each of them had different social relationships and lived a life subtly different from one another; nevertheless, the atomic bomb tied them together, not necessarily as friends but as empathizers, and their stories lived on. When I saw this book, my curiosity was immediately aroused. Afterall, all I heard about Hiroshima are generalizations. I want to know more about Hiroshima and the reaction of its citizen toward the atomic attack; I want to know about specific events and feelings from real human, and hopefully, as a goal, I can be more empathatic toward these war-time survivors after the read.

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