Saturday, January 31, 2015

IRB introduction- Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Written as a confession for a man's past sin, "Confession of an Economic Hit Man" details the behind-the-scenes deals and extortions the "democratic United States of America" had made with numerous developing countries. The non-fiction centers around the struggle of the author, John Perkins. It examines his struggle with his conscience, deciding wheather his own welfare is worth the sacrifice of numerous others living in impoverished and devloping regions; it examines the ethicity of United States and all other developed countries in extension, questioning wheather social darwinism is justifed, and it examines a century old profession called "economic Hit man", a small army of man and women used by developed nations to convince developing nations to accept unfair deals and futher the cause of imperialsim. Perkins wants the world to see reality without decorations, without illusions. When I saw the summary of the book, and when I saw the words "the little-kown government and corporate activites America has been involved in since WWII, and which have dire consequences for the future," I decided to pick it up.

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